Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My obsession with black eyeliner

Hello. My name is Teny and I am addicted to black eyeliner... 

I am positively obsessed with black eyeliners; gels, pencils, khols, powders, liquids... You name it, I love it.  Especially the ones that say "blackest black" or "absolute black" or "ultra black" on them.   *drool* 

Black liner gives the perfect definition and intensity to the eye... Creating the most alluring "come hither" look...

But don't get me wrong.. Using black liner takes a certain finesse; there's an art behind it.  Slapping on the liner in a hurry is not enough! No no...

Black liner can be used by all, as long as it's done right!  It isn't about just pulling the line and going... Its about finding the right texture, the right shine, the right "blackness" and mostly, the right thickness and shape to suit your eye.   !! Not everyone can pull off the same black liner look !!

For example... A beauty with a more hooded eye will need to sport her black liner in a different way than someone with prominent eyes.  Also, someone with a fairer/more earthy skin tone would user her liner differently than someone with a darker/more olive tone...
The type of liner along with the application technique will differ from person to person. 

And, the prep before applying the liner (any liner for that matter) is also important.  Prepping the eye area (ie: not just putting it on the bare, oily eyelid) makes ALL the difference in the intensity and durability of your liner look.

*sigh* its an art, and I love it ❤️

So to sum up... If I were stranded on a deserted island and there could only be one item of makeup I could take with me... You guessed it!  It would be my black liner.  

For more: 
Instagram: @Tenplatinum

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