Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The hype about Castor oil...

I have been reading alot about the various benefits of castor oil and I am most intrigued about what castor oil can do for hair growth...

I have heard many times from ladies sitting in my chair that there is hair missing in a part of their brows due to overzealous plucking or how they wish their brows/lashes were thicker/darker, etc..

So I started researching, and castor oil started popping up everywhere.

Castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid, which is very effective natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. This can help keep any fungus or bacteria from inhibiting hair growth.

Castor oil is also high in omega 9 fatty acids. Omega 9 fatty acids are nourishing to both the hair and the follicle, thus helping with hair breakage.

Castor oil has a unique ability to be deeply penetrating, and this helps it to deliver its nourishment deeply into the pores and the follicles that produce hair.

How to:

Using your fingers, gently massage a drop or two of castor oil into the brows and lash-line every night before bed.
In the morning, wash your face with a cleanser or soap to remove any oily residue (oil will cause your makeup to run)

Additional benefit: Castor oil, when applied to the skin, penetrates deep and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. This in turn helps soften and hydrate our skin,
helping it delay the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
So when applying castor oil to brows and lashes, use an extra drop and massage it around the eye area for extra hydration.

If you have had experience with castor oil, I would love to hear your results!

Teny xoxo

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